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The Hatching Project

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Straight Talk from Real Dads

I was driving the short bus for our high school choir yesterday, transporting them to their performances at four area nursing homes and the mall.  One of the students, who is constantly peppering me with questions asked, “Mr. Sombke, do you like driving the bus?”

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Read more: Who's in Control?

A couple weeks ago on a beautiful Saturday afternoon there was a lull in the activity around the house so I declared, “Let’s go kite flying.”  Everyone was game so we hopped in the van and drove across town to the big prairie park fields.  I got out the three kites we had and let the kids have at it. While we were launching, a young mom came over from the playground with her very young, totally fascinated little guy. It was kind of cool talking with her about the different kites and how much fun my kids have had with them over the years, giving her suggestions for enjoying kite flying with her family. 
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Recently a coworker asked me how I did it all.  I had just talked with a group of 4th grade students about writing for a national bike blog based in Austin.  In addition to my job as an assistant principal, I work as the technical director in a local university’s theater department, sing in a community choir once a week, write a monthly article for this blog, and play in the local amateur soccer league once a week. I am also the father for three wonderful boys and the husband to one very understanding woman. Together we also help with our church, ride bikes as often as we can, and try to be a normal family.  Am I trying to do too much?
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Read more: Five Important Things

Last weekend was a long one and a good one. How do I know this? Because it was a three campfire weekend. The wife and I were at the home improvement store and were admiring the new fire pits. About six years ago I bought a standing fire pit at a garage sale. Over the years I’ve come to the conclusion that it was one of the best purchases I’ve ever made. The hours we’ve spent on the patio around a fire roasting marshmallows, telling stories, laughing and simply relaxing have been priceless. There is something almost other worldly about a fire. It produces light, heat, interest, distraction and a little danger. Like our relationships it is constantly changing and needs attention and tending.

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“A two-year-old will make you crazy; a three-year-old will make you homicidal.” I posted something similar on Facebook earlier this week. Luckily for me, I have a couple of “almost” two-year-olds and a fully developed three-year-old who work together throughout the day to make Mrs. B and me laugh and pull our hair out all within 5 minutes of waking up. Let’s take the matter of discipline, for instance. I’m all for natural and logical consequences, but one of the most frustrating elements of parenting is following through on a consequence that you want to give your child. 
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Read more: Consequences: Staying the Course

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Murney Clinic Hours

12:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Tuesday 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Wednesday 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Thursday 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Please note that holiday hours may vary.

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