The Operation Us project has joined forces with The Murney Clinic. All our relationship education is now under a single banner.
We're pleased to announce the availability of Walk-In service hours at our community service clinic.
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Dr. Jennifer Baker has been appointed as The Murney Clinic's new director, which brings our mental health and Operation Us activities under one roof.
Read More About Our New Director
To register, click the "Sign Up" link in the Registration Options menu to the right.
This workshop will run from 10:0o AM to 4:00 PM on 1 Saturday.
Want to follow your heart without losing your mind? Learn aspects about yourself and what you are truly looking for in a partner so you can avoid relationship pitfalls such as "love is blind" syndrome. This is a 6-hour workshop full of skills and knowledge to help you make safe relationship decisions.
COST: $60 per person.
These workshops are for individuals only.
A meal will be provided for participants.
The Murney Clinic is pleased to say that friends and family members of satisfied former clients refer the vast majority of our new clients. In an effort to meet the continually changing needs of the community, we welcome feedback on how we can improve.
If you have a suggestion for a service that isn't currently offered, or any idea for improvement, please contact the Director of Marketing.